Based on your rank, you can get a number of pets on the server! Just kill a mob or animal with a lead in your main hand, and if you have a free pet slot, it will become your pet!

<aside> 💡 View your rank and how many pets it supports by using /ranks


Here are some of the pet commands:

/psw or /petswitch - Take out one of your pets, or switch between your pets

/petstore - Store the pet you have out

/petrelease - Release the active pet back into the wild. If you want to release a pet without the safety check, type /petrelease <petname>. Be careful - they might become hostile again!

/petname - Change the name of your active pet with /petname <name>

/pcst or /petcst - Open the skill tree of your active pet; you can choose to ride your pet, or instead set them up for combat to help you in battle

/petinfo - Show your active pet’s statistics, or information such as what they eat. To see statistics on another player’s active pet, use /petinfo <username>

/petcall - Teleports your active pet to you when they disappear or you've sent them away

/petsendaway - Makes your pet disappear but does not put them back into storage. They can be summoned again with /petcall

/petstop - Order your pet to stop attacking

/petinventory - Show your pet’s inventory (Accessible at pet level 6)

/petlist - List your pets

/petbehavior - This is unlocked for a pet at Level 3. Use the command /petbehavior <behavior> to set one of the following behaviors: Normal, Friendly, Agressive, and Duel